Thursday, March 20, 2008

Digital Eskimo!

Quite possibly appearing like a fangirl here, but I really like Digital Eskimo.

Their existence was brought to my attention last semester when I was researching a design studio. Their approach to design is unique (plus they have an awesome website) and admirable.

Definitely worth checking out.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

About This Blog

This blog was created for the unit Interactive Design (2008).

Here will be held some information on topics regarding Interactive Design, as the unit progresses throughout this semester.

Ideally, this blog will be updated twice a week.

About Me

My name is Lauren Chew, my online name is Raine.

I'm a second year student at the University Of Western Sydney (UWS), studying a Bachelor Of Design in Visual Communication. It's a bit of a mouthful so we generally call ourselves VisComm. I graduated from High School in 2006.

I chose this course because it interested me, I've always enjoyed arts and designing (whether I'm any good at the two is debatable..) and hopefully this course will aid me in getting a job in the design industry when I'm done.

Interactive Design was an elective, I believe the other choices were Animation and Photography. I may have forgotten one, but that's irrelevant. I chose Interactive Design because out of the many possibilities Visual Communication Design offers, I prefer screen design, websites, or just designing using the computer and/or the internet.

I've had a bit of experience designing websites for others, however I have never used Dreamweaver or any other website publishing software.. My websites at the moment are all hand coded in Simpletext, and are most probably a messy mix of HTML, PHP and CSS, as I have had no professional instruction in coding.
I own a domain, which I use as a commissions site, blog, and somewhere just to recreationally design for personal projects.